so bukan lah nak ambil kesempatan. cuma come on, dah nak one month plus plus i never meet my bestfriends, closeeeee friend.
and banyak storyy nak cerita kat diorang
nak tak nak, i must to see them!
I thought papa balik todayy so rasa semacam nak kua ke tak kang kena marah pulak dengan papa.
the mama call papa and papa cakap balik esok.
amin ya rabbal alamin, hehe i meet my friends.
then we lepak at KLCC ofcourse yang ada bus sehala dgn rumah aku haha
Me, Yang, Nad, Adik, and omar .
we watched muallaf.
hmm, i don't know what's the motif of the storyy
tak paham, and i was like,
'yoo what's the ending of the story do? haihh'
tak suka tak suka!
On the other side, aku ada google abt cerita ni. and aku ada jumpa satu blog ni abt kontroversi something la, no need to mension here but if you guys google it, mesti jumpa.
ada banyak comment yang dilemparkan.
and semua betul tapi ada gak yang memihak yasmin ahmad.
contohnya :
''tahu tak filem muallaf dah berjaya gerakkan hati orang kafir untuk mengkaji tentang quran?''
bila aku baca ni mcm,
''a'ah la. btl gak la sbnrnyaa''
So, i think you guys better watch muallaf and pandai pandai lah menilai.
okayy back to MINE story haha
then after dah tengok muallaf tuh,
nur plak datang. yeayy !
then we lepak-lepak-ing at KLCC's foodcourt.

i miss you and i love this. huhu gedik
then nad akan dating sama omar. and yang dah nak balik.
so tinggal me, adik and nur.
yeayy tengok movie lagi :P
cerita Did you hear about the morgans
haha cerita ni sangat sweet, best, romantic, masuk akal and berpuas hati
and her ex-husband tuh desperate nak nak ex-wife dia balik so dia buat mcm mana sekalipun sampai leh menarik pulak hati perempuan tuhh,
comel lah
korang KENA KENA KENA tengok :P
and the best part bila bear tuh datang hahahha kelakar :D
okayy i should go to sleep. mengatuk
nyte nyte, daa