so after watching merahputih. oh geng, serious shit cerita nih amat lah best
hahaha it is like bawang putih and bawang merah but version anak laki laki
and the most i like about this movie because life dorang sama macam kita jugak.
and there's also some remantic part, huhuuu~ :)

but tadi kan balik sekolah late and leh tengok lagi kat tv9 kul 8.30pm :)
best nyeeeeeee
huhuuu merah macho do :P
pas dah habis merahputih ,
nak tertido but before that usha sat ada cerita apa lain best.
tiba tiba 8tv ada house of wax
aku tau la dah lama cite tuh. from 2005.
tapi tengok je la. cam best. haha sekejap je.
part yang Elisha Cuthbert kena poting jari tuhh.
perghh, terbaik siot
haha anyway. house of wax still the best do. HAHA
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