'what happen to me?' or like, 'am Faten okay?' or like,
'Did she cried just now?'
I'm wrote this bukan nak simpati from you guys.
Ini kerana, I feel blog was like my diary which is i wrote everything on here.
NOT everything la but majoriti kan.
ok fine. I made wrong.
but for me, it's not even my fault ok. (aku tak ego pun)
macam semalam,
i'm just open with Nad and me story to her about my problem.
ofcourse la about him kan.
Nad : kalau kau sayang dia, napa tak text je die? maybe die tak tahu kan.
Me : ah malas la aku. apa pasal lak aku kena text die?
Nad : faten, kau jangan ego. since dulu lagi. mengada taknak tu la taknak ni la. pastu melalak lalak nangis nak tu laa macam macam
Me : -______________- (actually, aku nak text die. but the problem is, die macam la nak text aku balik kan. uhuukk. but Nad still force me to text him)
aku mengalah, and im start to text him.
i forgot what i text tapi its quiet like this la.
''hey f****. i ada something nak bgth kat you. if nak tahu, text me ok''
and he replied,
''Ye saya, kenapa? boleh saya tau?''
butttt sebenarnyaaaaa kan, aku takde motif pun nak text die and takde bende pun nak bagitahu die.
and me replied,
''you marah i lagi ke?''
and he did not repy my text dah. huuuu lagi lah sedih weehh
Nad pun dah buntu, cuma aku je kena marah banyak ngan Nad.
ehhh It's not fair okkk ! it's not my fault punn.
ok, i'll take it as my problem.
Ntah la faten.
:'( :'( :'( :'(

p/s to f***q: if you read this, this is the true story ok about yesterday. sry
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